We made our first overnight sail to to Gotska Sandön. We made this voyage together with our friends Tyrone och Maria.

We started our sail with favourable winds, the problem was that the waves and the wind went in different directions. This made the boat to rock in different directions. It went good until the darkness came over us. During the night I (Jesper) become really sick. Maria wasn’t feeling that good either. At last we reached Gotska Sandön which is known to being surrounded with sand beaches and you have to anchor a bit out. The winds and waves are often hard to hide from. This is how Spent my birthday 🙂

Anyway it was a good experience to sail in these conditions I even had times when I was wondering if this sailing thing is for me. We didn’t stay as long as we planned but had a really nice sail back to Utö where we stayed for a couple of days.

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