Peaceful Midsummer

We spent our Midsummer on Costa Mera on the island of Utö in Stockholms beautiful archipelago. We met up with our good friends Tyrone and Maria on Wednesday night. It took us about 4 hours to get the 13,5 nautical miles. Needless to say that the wind was very light 🙂

Friday went by as a regular midsummer, a lot of partying on and beside the boats beside us. Utö is one of three places in this archipelago where the younger generation spend their midsummer.

All and all the weekend was nice but on Sunday when we decided to get home things went bad. While we got out of the dock I went backward to fast and the anchor line was caught in the propeller 🙁
This stressed me a lot, I felt unhappy and very stupid. I had to dive in and try to fix the problem. It took a while but we got loose after several dives.

The way home went okey the first 45 min. Good winds! Unfortunately the wind died and we had a speed around 2-3 knots.

We thank you Tyrone, Maria, Leo, Nicole and …………… for a great weekend!

Jesper & Tanja on Costa Mera

#CostaMera #Sailing #Utö #Stockholm #Archipelago #Midsummer

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